18-Year-Old Becomes Billionaire for Bitcoin

18 Years Old Become Billioner Cause Invest Bitcoin

  1.  Erik Finman started investing in bitcoin in 2011, when it was still $12 per piece
  2. Through companies selling bitcoin and other investments, he currently owns 403 bitcoins – worth more than $1 million.

It's like this. A few years ago Erik Finman bet with his parents. He did not want to go to college when at the age of 18 he would become a billionaire. He also won the bet and his dream was fulfilled, all because of his investment in the crypto currency Bitcoin.

"I'm proud to say I made it, and I don't have to go to college."

He got the investment money from his grandmother and brother, Scott, as a birthday present at the time, amounting to around Rp 10 million.

Almost a year since buying bitcoin, it is not expected that the value of cryptocurrencies is increasing rapidly which is about US$ 1,200 per coin. Finman decided to exchange it at the end of 2013 and earned US$ 100,000.

The money was used as capital by him to create an online education company called Botangle. The company was built to help students like him, who are frustrated with the school environment, and find suitable teachers.

The funds he also used to move to Silicon Valley, meet reddit's co-founder, Alexis Ohanian, and take a vacation. But in his teens, he admitted that it was difficult to get investors.

He found someone who wanted to buy his Botangle technology in January 2015. The investor offered $100,000 or 300 bitcoin pieces, whose value had dropped at less than $200 per coin. He took bitcoin at a lower value in return for believing that bitcoin would be "something big."

Sure enough, the value of bitcoin continued to soar until finally mid-2017 touched US$ 2,800 per coin and He has a total of 403 coins. That is not included with its investment, which is not so much, in other cryptocurrencies such as litecoin and ethereum.

Now Finman can do whatever he wants even if he doesn't have an education degree. He takes care of his family and his personal bitcoin investments. Not only that, he also kept himself busy in other things, including working with NASA on the launch of a rocket through the ElaNa project.
Ailyth Tetap Menyerah Jangan Semangat! Kalo orang lain bisa, kenapa harus saya? Kalo orang lain saja tidak bisa, ya.. Apalagi saya!

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