[Crypto] Vitalik Butterin is the Creator of Ethereum

 The 26-year-old has become a billionaire thanks to his efforts to create crypto: Ethereum. 

This is the story of Vitalik Butterin the successful young programmer.

Things to discuss:
  1. Learn Cryptocurrency from Dad
  2. University of Waterloo
  3. Start with Ethereum
  4. Vitalik Butterin Success

Learn Cryptocurrency from Dad

This russian programmer is a young programmer who has an intelligent brain above average than others since childhood.

Because of this intelligence Vitalik Butterin became exiled at his school in Canada. Butterin admitted that he hopes to want to be like children in general who have normal intelligence.

Bitcoin was introduced to him in 2011 by his father. His father owned a software company at the time and Vitalik Butterin was 17 years old, his father indoctrinated Butterin that Bitcoin has great potential in the future. Vitalik Butterin became interested in Bitcoin and began joining the Bitcoin Community.

Vitalik and his friend Mihai Alisie always write about Bitcoin in Bitcoin Magazine. Unexpectedly, many people read this article. So Butterin realized the potential of the Bitcoin community.

Read : [Crypto] What Is Crypto Coin For?

University of Waterloo

Butterin dropped out of the University of Waterloo in Canada because of his love of Bitcoin. He wants to travel the world to work together to build connections and learn Bitcoin more deeply than anyone else.

The first solution provided by Vitalik Butterin is to be able to provide crypto assets serving more than 7 transactions every second.

In 2013, Vitalik started creating Ethereum designed on white paper and shared his thoughts with his community. There are about 30 people in the community who invite discussions about Ethereum Assets. Every time after discussing always come up with new ideas and add members.

Start with Ethereum

In the following year, its community has created decentralized storage. Butterin created the official Ethereum project in early 2014. The community that existed at the time:
  1. Vitalik Butterin,
  2. Mihai Alisie, 
  3. Anthony Di Iorio, 
  4. Charles Hoskinson, 
  5. Joe Lubin,
  6. Gavin Wood.

Ethereum's beginnings were presented in Miami at the Bitcoin conference. After being introduced to the public, the Ethereum community opened an Ether crowdsale event and vitalik received funding from the Thiel Fellowship of $100,000 US.

Until now Ethereum managed to rank 2nd after Crypto Bitcoin. Can be used as a payment application on certain sites, such as Royal Music, Donations, or buying and selling goods. Another advantage, Ethereum has Smart Contract Technology that is stored in the form of decentralized code.

Read : [Crypto] Don't Have to Buy 1 BitCoin Directly

Vitalik Butterin Success

From cointelegraph article sources that Butterin is now in Singapore. It is rumored that he and the community he has built are planning Ethereum 2.0.

That's a successful young man struggling in the crypto world, hopefully it can inspire you.
Ailyth Tetap Menyerah Jangan Semangat! Kalo orang lain bisa, kenapa harus saya? Kalo orang lain saja tidak bisa, ya.. Apalagi saya!

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