Ether(ETH) Or Ethereum is what ?

Ether(ETH) Or Ethereum is what ?

 Ether Token to facilitate transactions within the Ethereum blockchain system. Every transaction in the Ethereum, Ecosystem will be deducted from the gas fee that will be paid to the miner that performs the transaction computing. The fee is paid with Crypto Ether.

More and more mathematical computing is being done. Gas fee is needed more and more anyway.


ERC-20 Transaction Fees are more expensive than ETH, because ERC-20 wants Smart Contract interaction and computing.

Why is ETH valuable?

Ether is used as crypto money for everyday purposes using Ethereum blockchain transactions. Ethereum is one of the most widely used blockchains to generate Decentralized Applications, the reason being that the Ethereum Blockchain can create more programs than the Bitcoin Blockchain.

Gas Fee function to be paid is to perform computing on Ethereum blockchain application, Ethereum becomes one of the largest crypto in the world after Crypto Bitcoin.

The first published Ethereum price is $2.83 USD. As of June 2021 it will be $2,578 USD/Coin.

How to buy ETH

How to buy Ethereum?  You can purchase ETH through the Exchange Platform which is already registered as a Crypto Asset Physical Trader.

Who is the creator of Ethereum?

Ethereum was created by Vitalik Buterin a Programmer from Russia. Ethereum was designed by Buterin in a 2013 Blog titled "Ethereum : The Ultimate Smart Contract and Decentralized Application Platform". In the blog article, he explained his idea to create a blockchain type (Turing complete) decentralized computer platform that can run any application.


Ethereum is a crypto asset with a decentralized computing platform for running computer programs called smart contracts.

Smart contracts are code that can be programmed for anything. Unlike other computing programs, this code is located on the Ethereum blockchain. Smart contracts on Ethereum have a more complex level of programming, giving developers more freedom to experiment with their own code, creating applications known as Decentralized Applications (DA Apps).

Read : [Crypto] How to Buy Ethereum?

Some examples of current Dapps, crypto asset exchange applications: Uniswap and Sushiswap.

Crypto asset lending application : Compound and AAVE.
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